Leadership Team
Here at BCC we take our Leadership responsibilities seriously. These are not titles to be held but a calling from God to be responded to. Our leaders will work together to carry out the mission of Jesus in this area and to the world. Please feel free to contact our leaders if you have a question or need someone to pray with you.
Brian Murphy (bemurphy8996@yahoo.com)
Dan Stipetich (danstip@regan.com)
Steve Dailey (stevdailey@aol.com)
David Capps (dtc456@yahoo.com) – Fellowship
Rich Konzelman (konzelr@gmail.com) – Safety
Bill Cumbee (cbcascade@gmail.com) – Finances
Worship Leader – Ben Thompson
Nursery – Tracy Rimmer
Seniors Ministry – Dan Stipetich
Finance Ministry – Dan Stipetich & Bill Cumbee