Mission – IDES
International Disaster Emergency Services (IDES)
Website: www.ides.org
I.D.E.S. mission is to meet the physical and spiritual needs of suffering people throughout the world in the name of Jesus Christ by partnering with Christian Churches / Churches of Christ and their missionaries. These projects fall into one of five focus areas for ministry: 1) Disaster Assistance, 2) Hunger Relief, 3) Medical Care, 4) Development and 5) Evangelism. In 2014 God’s love was shown to those who are hurting in 36 foreign nations as well as several regions across the USA on 268 projects through 158 mission partners.
Their website has a complete list of projects with pictures to let you know how your giving has impacted others. Each month with our gift receipt they send a prayer calendar showing projects that they sponsored. They continue to want to do more and relocated their headquarters in January 2014. This allows them more space for expanding the food packing ministry, a larger space for producing storage buildings for disaster, and a better site for connecting to their volunteers.