Mission – Mid-Atlantic Christian University
Mid-Atlantic Christian University (MACU)
Website: www.macuniversity.edu
This university, located in Elizabeth City, NC is continuing to make an impact for Christ. Students take on the exciting work of preaching, teaching, counseling, leading youth, directing non-profits, and serving on the mission fields. It has impacted us in a very positive way as our own minister is an alumnus. Indu Lall with CICM also attended there. The graduates are in 48 states and 25 foreign countries and one territory. They have two foreign “Sister Schools”; one in India and one in Thailand. Each student majors in Biblical studies but can choose any of 19 different areas for a double major. Seventy-eight percent of their male students who graduated in the last 3 years is involved in full time ministry. This University makes training to serve Christ in any vocation their priority.